

Fra Lydenskabs hjemmeside

Lydenskab: FNs Verdensmål som fundament

FNs verdensmål arbejder med de udfordringer verden står overfor, og belyser de indsatsområder hvorpå man kan gøre en forskel, og derfor er det Lydenskabs rammeværktøj. Med udgangspunkt i tværgående lokalt og globalt samarbejde og samskabelse arbejder Lydenskab med en række partnere om at bruge kunsten til at adressere og løse samfundsaktuelle udfordringer der integrerer sig i FN’s Verdensmål: Mindre Ulighed (10), Sundhed og trivsel (3), Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund (11) og Klimaindsats (13)...

Dansk Danseteater


Green Points cloned

Green points: A digital platform that works like a point system of reward. Productions have levels of sustainability (e.g., green: very sustainable, yellow: neutral, red: not sustainable). The more sustainable events people are consuming, the more points they obtain in the platform. The points can then be converted to free access to shows or a reduction in price.

Helsingør Teater

Green 2

Smart Travel

Smart Travel: Clever evaluation on decision making that would result in carbon budget partnerships.

Helsingør Teater


Green Points

Green points: A digital platform that works like a point system of reward. Productions have levels of sustainability (e.g., green: very sustainable, yellow: neutral, red: not sustainable). The more sustainable events people are consuming, the more points they obtain in the platform. The points can then be converted to free access to shows or a reduction in price.

Helsingør Teater


Hive Savings

Inspired by the Hive Mind notion: creating a sense of community between festival and audience. Engaging our audiences to help us save CO2 emissions in order for us to present international high-quality programme.